Miyerkules, Hunyo 29, 2011

Right Place at the Right Time

I miss updating this blog! Thanks to that poor service of our net provider, am dying to write for 2 months! Anyway, let’s get back to business. 
This is to counter my entry regarding my frustrations of being jobless that time. I admit, I am writing now because I already overcome that disappointment, I already have a job! Yey! (I’ll start either July16 or August1, looooong prep. haha)

I am writing because I am happy but I’m also sharing my thoughts because I realize some things that I believe must be shared as a servant of God.

Some time last April, I’ve written that life is unfair. It’s true. Not every one of us got the chance to have a perfect life because no one has it technically. Not every one of us landed on our desired job. Most are frustrated, hopeless and sad. Resentment comes next because there are people whom I think are happy as they have achieved their dreams and I am not. Also that time, I’ve felt real pressure because an honor student who’s still jobless is not a cool thing for me. Then I started blaming other people (yes, secretly) and also myself. I even asked God, “Am I not good enough? Why it is taking so long? “

I’ve got so many pieces of advice and the most popular: It’ll come AT THE RIGHT PLACE, AT THE RIGHT TIME. Just wait. Although I’m not that fond of waiting, ever, I waited.

While hanging around, I had a book to read entitled Life on the Go for Graduates to keep me busy, at least. Believe it or not, it worked for me! It’s a collection of essays and stories about experiences in life and God being the light to guide the authors in the darkest moment of their lives.  I am inspired and definitely enlightened. God really guide us and help us through His people who are with us.

At first, I thought that this book is not useful; it’s not true that God will help us even in the hardest decision we have to make and even in the most dangerous situation we’re into. But believe me, He is and He will no matter what. It happened a lot of times to me already. I am not just aware then that that moment is ‘the moment’.

During our final thesis defense, I cried to my mom because I can’t handle the pressure. I talked to God and asked for His guidance for me to deliver my part well but God is good. He even gave me the Best Thesis Presenter Award and gave us the coveted Best Thesis Award.

Also on the day of my graduation speech, I am very sick. I can’t speak well and I hardly rehearsed my speech. But when I hold the microphone, it was a magical moment, as if God was behind me, guiding me what to say next. It’s all worthy because my co-graduates and our parents appreciated my speech. God is good!

And then May comes, for me it’s a miracle that I received a text message from ABS-CBN asking me to apply (finally) for the writer position. After all the rejections and frustrations, the long wait is over. I talked to God again, let’s get it on! The whole job application process (2 exams, 2 interviews) was unbelievable for me because again, I’ve felt that God is with me. The results also took faster than expected. May 27, 2011, I am hired.

I did it? Yes! Actually we did it! God is good!

If I sum up all my frustrations and stress on the month of April, my head will explode. It’s true, life is unfair but who said we should mind that? Life is unfair, so what? We should continue living our lives, work on our weaknesses and strengthen our skills. We are born with our own thumb marks and we should print our marks distinctively because we are different from anybody else.

Also, forget about thinking too much because it will never ever help us. We just have to trust God; never forget to talk to Him not just to ask for help but also to give thanks and praises. Also, it will help if we’ll consider Him as our ultimate BFF. Tell him everything; problems, doubts, secrets and dilemmas because He will respond to those on the ways we never ever expected. Also, I realize that we should not ask God to do all the stuffs for us because we are a team. We need to do our part and if God sees that, he’ll definitely guide us and give us more. So all we have to do is to have faith in God. 

I’ve found my first ever job and my calling AT THE RIGHT PLACE, AT THE RIGHT TIME because it’s not always about waiting for it to come, we also need to decide if it has arrived. When you feel that everything is set then decide on yourself that this is your right time to start doing what you need and you want to do.

It’s hard to say how to really find your right time when it comes to work but I just wanna be a living proof that it could happen and it will happen if you start believing in yourself, have faith in God, wait and decide. Good luck! (Yes, I am an optimistic writer this time!)

Am I writing like an expert? Uh-oh. I just found a decent, first-ever job but I still have a monstrous problem.
Where is my right place, when is my right time? When it comes to love.

I am single for about 19 years.

Frustrated? Yes.
Envious? Yes.
Sad? Yes.
Wanna give up? No. Because I haven’t even know how to start and how to find one.

I have so many crushes but I am shy and I’m afraid. Will they like me? Am not the prettiest but I’M COOL not cold and I’M HOT not hot-headed. Haha.

I guess, in this situation, I still haven’t succeeded. I should wait AGAIN for my right place and my right time.

Sighing and signing off,

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